The Key
Obedience vs. Rebellion
Brother Jim (a brother at our church) shared a vision:
He saw a gold key, on one side was the word obedience / on the other rebellion.
There was a door, and through the door a man could be seen, with his hands to the plow.
There were no animals pulling the plow.
A man was picking up the rocks.
Another was sowing seeds, and a woman
was pulling bitter weeds.
Men and women (husbands and wife’s) must learn to work together,
find pleasure in one another.
If they do not the man will become as a brick wall to her, and the woman will become as a bitter weed to her husband.
Lance shared how he has seen me take scraps of material and make a blanket.
We are those scraps of material; apart we are almost worthless.
Woven together, a beautiful warm blanket.
The Holy Spirit is the thread weaving us together.
Together we can provide warmth and covering.