July 10, 2024
The Third Quarter of 2024 is Here!
Brought to you by Women As Treasure ®
Don’t Stop Now!
One hundred and eighty-three days have passed so far. My question to us all…
Have we made them count? I must say that I have not always used the allotted twenty-four hours that our Father has blessed us with wisely. There have been days that as I climb my weary body into bed I reflect over the day. My thoughts tend to end up here. “Why am I so tired? Did I do that much today?”
The dismal truth is there are far too many days where I have been ‘very’ busy. However I accomplished ‘very’ little. It’s exhausting wondering around in the desert. I am weary of going around the same mountain time and time again. I really do not want 7/2025 (should the Lord tarry) to roll around and I am still in the same place.
Don’t get me wrong there are days where I am ‘cooking with gas’ as the saying goes. All cylinders are firing! I am focused, and I remain disciplined. On days like these even though my body may still be worn, there is a sense of accomplishment. Task were completed (even if it was only one).
That sense of accomplishment can tend to put a smile on your face. It can give you a sense of pride in knowing that you completed something worthwhile,
There are probably countless books, TED Talks, even Pod Cast that can walk you through how ‘not’ to get stuck wondering around in your twenty-four hours. There are even Apps that you can set up to assist you in tracking and staying on point with your day to day task.
For me I have come to realize that the best program, book, App, and yes even the timer on my watch do me little to no good if I do not adhere to what I am instructed to do. If I don’t discipline myself to stick to the very program I set up for myself! LOL
So we all have good days, and yes even some not so good days… I want to have GOD Days! That means FAITHFULLY giving my day (first thing in the morning) to the Lord. Asking Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. To use me for His good pleasure.
Not allowing ‘my’ To-Do List to govern my day.
Keep Pressing!
So as of 7-10-24 we have one hundred and seventy-two days left in this Gregorian calendar year. How will we use the last two quarters of this year?
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Eph. 5:15-17
Have you done what your Heavenly Father has placed on your heart for you to do? Have you looked for that new job? Have you consistently done work worthy of a raise, and then gone and asked your boss for one? Have you started that blog, that business, written that book, or gone to ask forgiveness of someone you wronged?
I encourage you… DO IT! Whatever that it is, do it! Do not allow fear, or even procrastination hinder you from your blessing!
If your Heavenly Father has instructed you to do it… He will assist you. He will provide for you.
He will give you the wisdom, and even courage if need be. You have but to ask!! Push the Button.
And so on this second Wednesday of July 2024 I wish to Encourage you… Don’t quit, don’t throw in the towel! Keep Pressing forward. Only make sure you receive your marching orders from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He knows the plans He has for us! He wishes to prosper us, not harm us. Allow Him to give you hope! Walk in the future He has for you.
See you on the 4th Wednesday
Prophetess Wanda
Amen! I will choose to have “God days”